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This has taken place
Region:                           SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN
Geographic coordinates:           53.881S,  54.882W
Magnitude:                        7.0
Depth:                            10 km
Universal Time (UTC):             25 Nov 2013  06:27:33
Time near the Epicenter:          25 Nov 2013  02:27:34
Local standard time in your area: 25 Nov 2013  01:27:33

Location with respect to nearby cities:
314 km (194 mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
877 km (543 mi) E of Ushuaia, Argentina
998 km (618 mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
1031 km (639 mi) SE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
314 km (194 mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
Prediction would be Mongolia, north of 
North Korea
Within a day or two. 

Heading 4

Non odio. Fusce consequat. Nam nisl nulla, adipiscing a, quam.

Maecenas eget elit id magna auctor varius. Aliquam dapibus sapien non dolor.